Normal weekdays.- (i) In each Indian post office and RMS office, the hours during

which activities are dealt with with the public and the times at which the Indian post office is delivered

and shipped are clearly notified. Public working hours are fixed with

as for local convenience and post office arrival and departure times and all

work at the Indian post office is interrupted precisely at the last fixed hours. The

The working hours in the main Indian post offices are generally as indicated below

days of the week, which are not Indian post office holidays.
For references and requests, sale of stamps and stationery and concession of certificate of posting

(ii) The post offices in charge of extra-departmental agents are kept open for:

only a maximum period of five hours.

NOTE: - The delivery of registered, insured and V.P. items and payment of

Usually you have to pay attention to the money orders at the Indian post office window

between the hours set for the booking of the respective classes of


(iii) Arrangements have been made in most of the RMS clerical offices for the

booking of recommended items of correspondence, RD items and sale of stamps

and stationery. The times during which these services will be available are communicated to the address

every office. A list of R.M.S. The offices that carry out this Indian post office work are located in the part

III of this Guide.

(iv) Facilities are foreseen at all important offices for the secondment of

correspondence and for the booking of registered mail for a limited period beyond

normal scheduled time upon payment of a late fee.


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